Walk for Wards 2017 Fund Raiser Returns
For a second year Heads On, a Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust's Charity for mental health, hosted a family fund raiser. Over two hundred people turned up to walk, jog and run 5k or 10k routes around the park here at Glynde Place. One of the most inspiring was Hayriye Mehmet who did the entire 5k with a walking frame.
Rosie Redpath, a staff nurse at Meadowfield Hopsital in Worthing, explained:
"Having the opportunity to raise money with Heads On charity has been fantastic - the positive impact it has had extends far beyond what anyone would have imagined when it was first mentioned in our ward team meeting.
From getting ourselves fit to baking mass amounts of cakes, the nursing team have really embraced the opportunity to strengthen our community as a ward and also reach out to our networks within in the Trust. We have been in touch with other teams and enjoyed some healthy competition, all with a shared passion for supporting those who experience mental illness.
Rowan Ward set out to raise £500 - we have since doubled our goal and are now over the £1000 mark!! (woohoo!) We plan to use the funds raised to re-vamp the ward garden. Creating a therapeutic outdoor area will be of such value to our patients - we also plan to get the ward garden group involved with the planting and designing! The whole experience has given us renewed creativity, visions and bundles of motivation - it has been an honour to have been able to contribute to Heads On and we are so proud of everyone who has been involved. We are already looking forward to the next one!"